
Turn2us responds to energy cap announcement



Thomas Lawson, chief executive of national poverty Turn2us says:

“Today’s meteoric rise in the energy cap will cripple those of us in the UK already struggling to stay afloat. This is no longer a choice between heating and eating, but not being able to afford either. This is as big an emergency as the impact of Covid and needs a similarly confident government response.

“As one of the wealthiest economies, it’s simply not acceptable to consign more than a quarter of us into poverty. We implore the government to act with urgency and introduce a cap on energy costs that means that we can heat our homes and turn on the lights as we head into winter. Government must increase the value of Universal Credit and legacy benefits by a minimum of £25 a week so those of us in the deepest poverty have a fighting chance of surviving this economic whirlwind. The government must act now.”