
Grants Spotlight: R.A.B.I


R.A.B.I is a welfare charity which helps farming people in England and Wales who are in financial difficulty.

Farming is a volatile and unpredictable industry and people can get into difficulty through no fault of their own. Extreme weather, for instance, can be a challenge for many farmers, be it droughts, floods or snow, and it can take many years for losses to be recovered.

Illness, accidents, animal disease, family breakdown or bereavement are some of the other reasons why people turn to R.A.B.I.

Who does R.A.B.I help?

R.A.B.I helps working farmers, farmworkers and their families who rely on farming for their main source of income. Help can also be given to retired farmers, farmworkers and their dependants, who have spent at least 10 years in the industry.

Help is tailored to individual need.

In 2016, around £2m was paid out in grants to around 1,357 families. Welfare officers made more than 1,800 visits and also helped people claim £287k in state benefits and tax credits.  

What help does R.A.B.I offer?

The support R.A.B.I offers includes:

  • Regular quarterly and annual grants

  • Emergency grants, for example, towards domestic bills

  • Telephone line rentals and TV licences 

  • White goods

  • Disability equipment and adaptations 

  • Relief farm staff if the farmer is ill/has been injured and cannot work

  • Home help costs

  • Food vouchers and hampers 

  • Third party top-ups towards care home fees: R.A.B.I owns and runs two care homes of its own, in Somerset and Suffolk, primarily for people from farming backgrounds.

Read more about R.A.B.I and how to apply for help