News and Media
Welcome to the Turn2us News and Media. Browse our news and press releases, explore stories from service users, and get to the heart of what we do.

Press releases
See our latest comment on current events, and browse our backlog of press releases.

Annual reports
Our Annual Reports explore the work of the charity over the past year.
View our annual reports
Tell your story
Share your story of living in financial insecurity, and read about real people in similar situations.
Tell your story
Latest news
Read the latest news about benefits, and hear about our work to ensure everyone has financial security.
Latest newsLeaflets and posters
Our materials are designed to provide information and support to your users
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We have a number of eNewsletters to keep you updated on the charity's work.
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Contact the press office
We can provide experts on financial insecurity for interview, comments on issues relating to poverty, and stories from people who have lived experience of financial insecurity and have been supported by Turn2us.