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Tackling Financial Insecurity Together: The Turn2us strategy 2023 - 2028
Turn2us Strategy 2023 - 2028
Turn2us: Tackling financial insecurity together.
The UK is entrenched in one of the most challenging periods of economic instability since the 1970s.
Covid and the cost-of-living crisis have not caused the economic problems people face today, they have worsened inequality that already existed, driven by decades of austerity, unequal taxation, increasing wealth inequality and poorly-designed policy. This inequality leaves the poorest carrying the heaviest burden financially, and an unfair burden of blame.
Our vision
In response, the Turn2us strategy 2023-2028 sets out a vision where everyone in the UK has financial security so they can thrive.
Our purpose
Our purpose is to offer support to those of us facing financial shocks and together we will challenge the systems and perceptions that cause financial insecurity.
We do not underestimate the scale of the challenge but we believe working together can achieve real change.
Our objectives
Over the five years of this strategy we will;
Offer high quality information and support. We will be led by people experiencing financial insecurity, the communities and partners we work with and our improvement-focussed evaluation, to develop integrated services people need.
Strengthen communities through place-based programmes. We will develop existing programmes and start new ones, designed by and rooted in communities across the UK. Led by local organisations and people with experience of financial hardship, we will address financial insecurity and economic injustice together.
Help build a fair economy through systems change. Building on our data, insight and learning, we will campaign to build an economy that includes everyone and that we can all contribute to. We will work in partnership to create new systems that build financial security for all.
Our Values
Financial security for all
It’s not acceptable to us that we live in an unjust society where a financial shock becoming a financial crisis is more likely for those already facing barriers to thriving.
Everyone should have access to appropriate rights, resources and support. We actively tackle prejudice and barriers to access.
Listen, learn and improve
To be effective, we need to deeply understand people’s experiences, the financial challenges they face, what’s important to them and how best we, and others can provide support through a financial crisis or shock.
We’re on a constant cycle of listening, learning and looking to improve.
We hold ourselves to account and want to be held to account by those we work with and offer support to.
Together we succeed
We are successful when we collaborate, co-create, partner and work together.
Financial hardship can happen to anyone and for many reasons. Everyone’s needs and situation are unique. We make no assumptions or judgements.
Financial exclusion can be complex so we must work together with those we offer support to, as well as other partners.
We can’t rest until financial security is achieved for all. To create change we need to be proactive, take the initiative, create momentum and drive forward with energy, determination and conviction. This sense of urgency is at the heart of our culture and all we do.
For more information about our strategy, to give feedback, or to get in touch about how we may be able to work together, email
Our new strategy started in April 2023. Read about our previous strategy See our previous 2020 - 2023 strategy (PDF).
Turn2us Strategy
Read our vision, purpose, strategy and the values that underpin them.
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