
Casa Stella ensures legacy with endowment transfer to Turn2us


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Anti-poverty charity Turn2us has finalised arrangements to take on the running of grant making charity, Casa Stella. 

Casa Stella was originally set up to make grants for women and has been making grants since 2008, including annually to Turn2us. 

Until recently, trustees have been guiding Casa Stella’s work, but they approached Turn2us to take on the endowment to continue grant making in recognition of the mission and purpose alignment of both charities.   

Turn2us has agreed to continue the work of Casa Stella, whose assets have been valued at £3.22m, and the arrangement was finalised in December 2023. These funds are being made available to Turn2us to help fund its work offering information and practical support to people experiencing financial insecurity. 

Trustee Eileen Cammiade said the decision was made “in realising succession challenges” involved in the ongoing management of Casa Stella which was run by senior volunteers. 

Eileen Cammiade said: “We have ensured stability and a way of continuing to make grants available through Turn2us. In securing this permanent legacy we can continue to help those who need it most.” 

Thomas Lawson, chief executive of Turn2us, said:  

“Legacy planning is important for any charity. When it came time for Casa Stella to decide their future we were delighted to be approached. Our values are closely aligned, and we are honoured to have been chosen to continue their work. This enables us to grow as an organisation and ensure we are able to continue offering practical information and support to people facing financial insecurity across the UK.” 

About Turn2us: Turn2us is a national poverty charity that offers practical information and support to people facing financial insecurity. We work alongside those who have experienced not having enough money to live on, to develop tools and services that help people cope with life-changing events such as job loss, illness, or bereavement.    

 The Turn2us website includes a Benefits Calculator to find out what welfare benefits and tax credits you could be entitled to, a Grants Search to learn if you might be eligible for support from over 1,500 charitable funds, and a range of information and resources to help those of us who are struggling to get by. We also provide direct financial assistance through a range of specific grant funds that are managed directly by the charity.