Support families struggling with rising costs this Autumn
Your donation can be someone's lifeline at the time they need it most.
Should an unpaid carer have to take out loans to feed their children?
If you agree the answer is no, please consider donating to our Autumn Appeal today. Scroll down to hear how full-time carer Gary was forced into debt to make ends meet for his family.
Gary's story:
Gary is a dad to three teenage children and a part-time taxi driver. He’s also a full-time carer for his wife, Natasha, who became disabled after suffering nerve damage during the removal of a spinal-cord tumour in 2017.
When Natasha returned home, Gary gave up his job as a civil servant so that he could give her the full-time care she needed. With their joint stable income of £50,000 completely drying up, Gary and Natasha turned to loans and credit cards, and the debt began to pile up. Gary sold golf clubs and hi-fi equipment to pay the bills - his favourite pastimes now just memories.
Seriously struggling to make ends meet, Gary turned to the internet to see if he was entitled to any benefits. He found out about some benefits he was eligible for through the Turn2us Benefits Calculator, a lifeline in helping Gary and his family through a system that felt complex and hostile when they needed it most.
Last year an average of 610 people used the Turn2us Benefits Calculator every single day to claim additional benefits they were entitled to, supporting thousands of families like Gary’s to access support through a financial shock.
By making a gift to Turn2us today, you can make sure this lifeline continues to be there for families like yours or Gary's.
While the income helped, Gary's carer's allowance was not even enough to take his three teenage children out for an occasional treat. If someone you know was in a position like Gary and his family, would you think it’s fair that they’re left struggling to afford the very basics?
A life-changing diagnosis is a huge shock in itself, and then for that to be followed immediately by huge financial upheaval is devastating and unjust.
If you can, will you please consider donating today to fight for a fairer economy that supports families like yours or Gary's when they need it most?
Why donate?
From February to May 2023, 1 in 20 UK adults ran out of food and were unable to pay for more.
We all know this is unacceptable. And by making even a small donation, you can help us fight for the fairer, more just economy that we need.
The welfare system as it stands is complex and frequently hostile; over 7 million families are missing out on around £15.5 billion worth of unclaimed benefits each year as a result.
But, the combination of money and empowering information gives people the chance to take control of their lives, move forward and thrive. And your donation makes sure more people can access both of these things.