Bringing up a child
If you are bringing up a child, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.

If you are bringing up a child, there may be benefits available to you.
Related information
To check what benefits you might be entitled to quickly and easily, you can use the Turn2us Benefits Calculator
To read more about the benefits available for people who are bringing up a child, select from the list.
Turn2us Benefits Calculator
To check what benefits you might be entitled to quickly and easily, you can use the Turn2us Benefits Calculator.
Child Benefit
If you are responsible for bringing up a child aged under 16 or a young person aged under 20 if they are still in full-time education up to A level or equivalent, or on certain approved training courses.
Universal Credit
If you are aged between 16 and pension age and on a low income or aren't working. It includes amounts for children. For new claimants, Universal Credit replaces the help that used to be given through Child Tax Credits. People claiming Universal Credit are usually expected to look for work. There are special rules for parents.
Child Tax Credit
If you are 16 or over and responsible for bringing up a child aged under 16 or a young person aged under 20 if they are still in full-time education up to A level or equivalent, or on certain approved training courses. Child Tax Credit is being replaced by Universal Credit. Only people already getting Working Tax Credit can make new claims for Child Tax Credit.
Guardian's Allowance
If you are bringing up a child whose parents have died or one has died and the other is unable to look after them in certain circumstances. You have to also be getting Child Benefit for the child.
Foster carers and benefits
Read this guide if you're fostering a child.
Scottish Child Payment
The Scottish Child Payment is a payment for families with children living in Scotland.
Related information
Help with Childcare Costs
Read our guide to the help that is available with childcare costs if you are working, studying or starting to work or study.
School Uniform Costs
Read this page to find out if you can get help with school uniform costs.
School Travel Costs
Find out if your child is eligible for help with the cost of home to school transport through your local council.
Healthy Start Scheme - England, Wales, Northern Ireland
If you are pregnant or have a child under four years old and live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, you could get help from Healthy Start Scheme to buy some basic foods.
Sure Start Maternity Grant
A Sure Start Maternity Grant is a one-off payment to help with the costs of having a new baby (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
Best Start Grants Scotland
Grants for babies and children in Scotland.
Best Start Foods - Scotland
Best Start Foods is a Scottish government scheme to help pregnant people and young children afford healthy food.
Grants Search
To find out what help may be available from grant giving charities, you can use the Turn2us Grants Search.
Educational Trusts' Forum
If circumstances such as parental or guardian bereavement, ill health or unemployment has interrupted the educational path to the detriment of the emotional development and educational progress of your child or a child in your care, visit the Educational Trusts Forum to search for financial grants to assist these vulnerable children with their education.
Advice and support
Turn2us is unable to offer advice on individual situations. To find an adviser in your area to discuss your situation with, you can use the Turn2us Find an Adviser.
Other help
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