Funeral Payment - How do I claim a Funeral Payment?
If you need help to pay for a funeral, you may be eligible for help through a Funeral Payment.
How do I claim a Funeral Payment?
You must claim a Funeral Payment within six months of the funeral taking place.
England, Wales and Scotland
Telephone Claim
DWP Bereavement Service:
Tel: 0800 151 2012
Textphone: 0800 731 0464
Tel: 0800 731 0453 (Welsh)
Textphone: 0800 731 0456 (Welsh).
Paper Claim
Download a claim form from the Gov.UK website
Northern Ireland
Telephone Claim
Northern Ireland Bereavement Service: 0800 085 2463.
Paper Claim
Download a claim form from the NI Direct website
What documents will I need to claim a Funeral Payment?
You must send the following documents to support your claim:
The funeral director’s final bill or the bill/receipts for the necessary funeral costs if a funeral director wasn’t used.
The bill or receipt for any other funeral-related costs being claimed for.
A copy of the funeral plan, funeral bond or other such prepaid arrangement if one exists and any letter from the plan provider about the amount to be repaid.
The final statement for the bank or similar account of the person who has died.
If you qualify on the basis of Housing Benefit entitlement, you will need to send the letter from the council showing you are entitled to this.
If you do not have any of this evidence, you should not delay claiming.
Updated: September 2022
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