Severe Disability Premium - How do I claim a Severe Disability Premium?
A Severe Disability Premium is an extra amount that is included in some means-tested benefits to help with the cost of disability.
How do I claim a Severe Disability Premium?
Lots of people who are entitled to a Severe Disability Premium have not been getting it.
Severe Disability Premium can be backdated to when you became entitled to it. In some cases, this can be for a long time and can mean you get a big back payment.
Because a Severe Disability Premium is an extra amount on other benefits, how you claim it depends on which benefits you get.
You will need to contact the office for the benefit you get and tell them that you think you should be entitled to a Severe Disability Premium.
Housing Benefit: You can use the Gov.UK website's local council finder to find your local authority’s contact details.
After you tell the benefits office that you think you should be getting a Severe Disability Premium, you might be sent a form to fill out.
Reviewed: May 2022
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