

Find out more about what you can do if you are facing redundancy and which benefits you may be able to claim.


Action Plan

Being made redundant can feel stressful and frightening. Here are a few simple steps you can follow: 

Check your redundancy rights

Check your redundancy rights to make sure your employer actually can make you redundant and to check whether all your rights are being respected.

Find out how much redundancy pay you can get

Find out if you qualify for redundancy pay and get an estimate of how much statutory redundancy pay you could be entitled to.

Ferret's Redundancy Reckoner

A quick and easy Redundancy Reckoner calculator to find out how much redundancy pay you could be entitled to. 

Get on top of your budget

Find out the ways in which you can save money on your bills.

Deal with any problems with debt

Debts you have been managing while you had income from work can become a problem after redundancy. Get free, confidential, non-judgemental advice to help you deal with them.

Getting Into Work

Looking for work or working? See what help may be available to you through national and local employment services and schemes.

Redundancy questions

If you are considered to have lost your job without a good reason, you can be sanctioned at the beginning of a benefit claim. This means you won’t receive your full benefit entitlement for as long as the sanction lasts.

You shouldn’t be sanctioned for being made redundant.

You also shouldn’t be sanctioned for taking voluntary redundancy, provided your company is going through a redundancy process.

Your redundancy payment won’t be treated as income when working out how much benefits you can get. It will be treated as capital. This means that the amount you get in redundancy payment will be added to any other savings you have.

If you have total savings of more than £6,000, it will affect how much Universal Credit you can get.

The best way to check how this will affect your benefits is to use our Benefits Calculator.

If you have savings of over £16,000, you won’t be able to get Universal Credit.

Your savings won’t affect how much New Style Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) you can get.

If you get pay in lieu of notice or holiday pay, this will affect how much Universal Credit you can get, but only if you receive the pay after you first apply for Universal Credit.

The best way to check how this will affect your benefits is to use our Benefits Calculator (link above).

Charitable grants

To find out what help may be available to you from grant-giving charities, you can use our Grants Search.

Advice and support

Turn2us is unable to offer advice on individual situations. To find an adviser in your area to discuss your situation with you can use our Find an Adviser. 

Useful resources

Acas: Your Rights During Redundancy

The process an employer should follow, collective consultation, and employee rights, including notice periods and pay.

Gov.UK: The Skills Toolkit

Free courses to help you learn new skills or change jobs. Including general skills that apply to all sectors and more specialised skills.

Gov.UK: Job Help

This Government website is focused on sectors where there are currently jobs available.

Mind: Coping with redundancy

Whether expected or sudden, redundancy can cause huge uncertainty, stress and anxiety, and can make existing mental health problems worse. On this page, you'll find some ways to look after your mental health during the redundancy process.