
Part time students and benefits - Can part-time students claim JSA or Income Support?

Find out more about the definition of a part-time student for benefit purposes and whether you can claim any benefits or tax credits

Can part-time students claim JSA or Income Support?

Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)

If you are unemployed and trying to find work and are already getting Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) you might be able to carry on getting it if you start studying part time. Because you usually have to be available for full-time work, you need to show that you are still available for work around your study hours.

You may be able to alter your agreed pattern of availability, but remember that, unless otherwise agreed, you will be expected to be willing to give up the course if suitable full-time work becomes available.

If you receive student support in the form of a grant or loan, this will probably reduce the amount of income-based JSA you can get.

It is no longer possible to make new claims for income-related JSA.

Income Support

If you are already getting Income Support you might be able to carry on getting it when you start studying part time, as long as you are in one of the groups of people who can claim this benefit and fit the other rules. For example, if you:
•    Are a lone parent with a child under age five
•    Are a lone foster parent of a child under age 16
•    Are receiving Carer's Allowance

If you receive student support in the form of a grant or loan, this will probably reduce the amount of Income Support you can get.

It is no longer possible to make new claims for Income Support.


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