Child Benefit - Can I get Child Benefit?
Child Benefit is money paid to parents or other people who are responsible for bringing up a child.
Can I get Child Benefit?
You can get Child Benefit if you are responsible for a child who:
is under 16; or
is aged 16 or 17 and has left education or training and meets Child Benefit 'extension period' rules (HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC); or
is aged between 16 and 20 and on (or enrolled on) a full time, non advanced educational course or an approved training course (HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) - which they started, were enrolled on, or accepted on before turning 19.
Rules are complicated for 19 year olds so you should seek advice if you have any concerns about entitlement for a child this age.
You do not have to have paid any national insurance contributions to get Child Benefit.
Reviewed May 2022
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Support for your child
If you are bringing up a child, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.